Ghost Semi-Transparency Demonstrator
By Andrew Mackowski
Hi! Thanks for downloading this skin. The main purpose of this skin was to demonstrate the use of semi-transparency. Here, the Main Window's WindowShade mode is semitran ...
kohina 1.2 / 24-bit winamp 2.9 version / june 2003
by harri granholm / info-is@in-file - old school game & demo music radio
check out the site for xmms and 4-bit versions!
cheers to mayday for the idea and spanking me ;-) ...
ICE 6 for Winamp Clasic. 12/09/2005
My first skin ever. Possibly my only and last skin too.
Very hard work to put one together. Designed after winamp classic.
Same features and layout. Theme'd towards musical aritst and website of ICE 6.
PvP skin 1.0
by Gustav Ladén
mail: info-is@in-file
Ye ...
Sianide AMP v.1.0
Hello, and welcome to my humble Readme..
Anyway.. this is my Second skin... I got ...