--==>==--Version 1.0Winamp skin for Winamp 2.xby Fahrezal Effendi alias exa_voltFebruary 2001Thanks for downloading this skin use use it for you
Version 1.0
Winamp skin for Winamp 2.x
by Fahrezal Effendi alias exa_volt
February 2001
Thanks for downloading this skin use use it for your Winamp interface.
This skin contains of all Winamp full version Windows, include the avs and mini browser window. Also featured with cursor and avs preset.
Check for the latest version of Winamp at the official site www.winamp.com
Many thanks to :
+> Dodge,
+> Polyphony Digital and Sony Computer Entertainment for the great racing game, Gran Turismo.
the Viper logo was taken from the Gran Turismo 2 CD with PSMPlay.
+> Other skinners for their skin that I use for my reference.
the program : MS Paint, Adobe Photoshop(with Extensis plug in), Quick Skin, BMP2ICO and Notepad.
It's free to distribute this skin, but distribute with this about.txt file!
Please don't make any change on this skin! If you don't like some parts of this skin, mail me!
Greets : RONEXS, green_sk8ter, Aladin, Rahtar.
Coming soon : Viper v1.1 with double blue stripe on silver. Wait at Winamp.com or at my site!
Contact :
Fahrezal Effendi
Welcome to Readme of Volatile Amp v6.0
Created by Dean Gibson
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
this skin was inspired and created around the theme of
Volatile Visions, run by Zoli Borbasi.
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Watch out for some new skins that are co ...