Death By Degrees - Nina WilliamsBy Kuljeet Chauhan (7/2005)Based on the game Death By Degrees by Namco, featuring Tekken's Nina Williams.------------------------
Death By Degrees - Nina Williams
By Kuljeet Chauhan (7/2005)
Based on the game Death By Degrees by Namco, featuring Tekken's Nina Williams.
***** DESPERADO ****
A Winamp skin - inspired by the movie Desperado
--> Version 1.0
--> This skin was made by Miara (info-is@in-file)
This is my first try to make a complete winamp skin.
enjoy it ...
---=[ DivinE ]=---
By Mlok
..was finished on 26.10.2003.
Thanks for downloading.
This is my first from-scratch skin and should be Winamp 2.9x ready.
Made while listening to Refused, Altan,
Dead Kennedys, Jetrho Tull, Madball, Ska-P
and some ...