Here's where you write the info of the skin. Type ANYTHING here.
Credit: info-is@in-file
My site:
Questions: ...
Here is another skin of a character from a manga series by Yuri
Narushima. I believe the series he is from is called
"The Young Magician". I have never actually read any of the
manga (Though I rould really like to get my hands on it!) but ...
Skin: POLARIS V1.0 [25/10/2001]
Author: eddieo (wg)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Thanks for downloading this skin.
Check out the site for some tips on skinning
Any comments or sugestions
Neese II - Lodoss War
Uno de mis dibujos preferidos del libro de ilustraciones de Lodoss llamado ANAM. ¡Larga vida a Izubuchi Yutaka!
Autor: Mycen, el Dragón Dorado de Lodoss
Correo electrónico: info-is@ ...
- The name of the skin: Fathom
- Release version of the skin: version 1.2
- A short description of the skin:
This skin is dedicated to Michael Turner's FATHOM comic book series. The Best out there!
- The category that best fits your skin: Com ...
16-BitAmp For Winamp 5x (I think)
By John Kreitlow (aka J2krei08) and RADIUM-V
V2 Completion Date: 8/24/2005
Version Two is here! I fixed some problems from the first version, and made it more true to DOS, with the fonts and all. I still couldn't ...