:: Author: Joe W. Garrett ::
:: Skin: Devour - Greedmonkey ::
:: Date: 03-July-01 ::
Special Thanks and Recoginition
Winamp Skin Love Forum
1. The Only Lynx
2. Ampburner
3. Cya ...
-The Litorina or: EleNchuS-
by Nini
This skin started when i wanted to look how the equalizer bars would look like this way. Then i decided to add some ot ...
Version 2.51
By flatmatt
May 15, 2004
Version History:
- Added gen.bmp "no resize" mode image
- Added video window
- Added generic frame
2.0 (First "2000" edition):
(Based on the Winamp3 ...
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
Description: This skin is simulated old DOS applications, Do you miss
the old age?
Program used: PhotoShop 5.5, WinAmp v2.5c
Produced by: Alexander Yu(Chinese name: Yu JianRong) info-is@in-file
Date: ...
Red Skin. By heavyoak
Cool cursors huh.
If you want a copy of them make a copy of this skin and open it as a .zip.
Change the .cur to .ani for them to be animated.
If you want more cursors , or info on how to make a skin, E-Mail me at info-is@in-file ...