This is the skin remixed from the skin "NO_WAR" (by the author marS)
This skin is remixed by omkar pangarkar and Nirzar pangarkar.
Many new features have been added to it such as cursors,avs window etc.
Some things are modified.
Some t ...
Thanks for downloading this skin!!!
You can also find my first submtted skin "Collar Bone" at
any que ...
Blood Thirsty
Blood Thirsty is one of the skin's that I know you just could not pass up (thats why you downloaded it right?)! So u like or not like? Don't miss ...
"AltairXymetry[al478full]" ByAltair
Happy future is impossible
without a equality between
good and bad,
all the opposites must be
symetry of life,
complete skin ...
by Larry Tennison
This is the third installment to the
shocker series. As of before, the
skin was created out of bordom. I
had nothing else to do one day so
I started the creation of this skin.
I worked on ...
STENO - V3.0
Version 3 - I decided not relabel it on the design
Inverted look at my Steno amp... A little darker... :)
New button and some design extras. Left the original
Readme st ...
----Krzysztof Kieslowski - WHITE ----
-skin by StillWater- version 1.4
For more of my skins, go to: http://www.1001winampskins.com/member_profile.html?author_id=13265
For my MikroAmp skins, go to: http://winamp.com/c ...