Ahhh, I have finally finished this skin after working on it for one night and one morning!{1:23 PM 12/6/2005}
The original intention for the skin was to create a car dashboard type skin, but instead I ended up creating a skin that looks like a Bar/Pub .skin, Well, hope u enjoy it.
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...
This Skin was partial generated using SkinAmp. Skinamp is freeware, you can download it on my homepage!
My email: info-is@in-file
P.S.: I'm NOT the author of this skin!!!
Thank you for reading,
D ...
from the creator of
the orignal SpyAMP comes...
[SpyAMP Professional Edition]
Mike Cao
info-is@in-file OR
ICQ 2158466 - zeromoo
The Official SpyAMP Homepage:
New Mp3's p ...
Hello everyone!
This is my first skin and you can probably tell from the sloppy work. I know your probably thinking that the colors are too... red... ha ha ha...sorry for that. I actually liked the equalizer and the playlist better than the main window ...
ReadMe.txt file for Akh'Faer V1.0
Thanks for downloading my skin :).
Trying to get back to skinning more often.
For the people who are asking themselves,
why a WA2.x and not a 3.x skin, it is because I was
wor ...
ZX Spectrum Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
An Amp dedicated to the biggest selling home computer of the 80's the ZX Spectrum, or TS2068 for our American friends.The 48k Spectrum was the firs ...
AOL Instant Messanger Amp (AIM Amp)
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
A companion skin to go with the AOL instant Messanger program, my favourite method of chatting on the net.
A simple, clean ...
kohina 1.2 / 24-bit winamp 2.9 version / june 2003
by harri granholm / info-is@in-file
kohina.com - old school game & demo music radio
check out the site for xmms and 4-bit versions!
cheers to mayday for the idea and spanking me ;-) ...