Fearamp was skinned May 2004, by R.D. JonesArtwork stolen from Ralph Steadman. Permission was requested, awaiting reply. , : «&nbs
FusionAmp WA-2 skin for Winamp
(Featured Skin, March 7, 2002.)
Version History:
Fusion AMPman
Authored by: Blayde
Sony AMP XE-320
Sony AMP XE-320 v 2.0
Sony AMP XE-320 v 2. ...
This skin is taken from StarFox® 64 featuring the key charachter, Fox McCloud.
I tried to show most of the picture as well as all of the controls and this was the result.
Colours were chosen to match the starry background s ...
Thanks for downloading Fingertips.
This is my second winamp skin that I have made.
If you enjoy this half as much as I had making it you are going to be a
happy camper.
ps for skin org you all can do what you want with it as ...