z o r g V 2 . 0-------------------------------------------------misery could get no sleep one night and so he started another winamp skin. ---------------------
z o r g V 2 . 0
misery could get no sleep one night and so he
started another winamp skin.
winamp 1.x/2.x
miseryamp 1.0 (-)
phreak 0.667
xtended 1.0
stainless 1.0
stainless 2.0 (*)
metropolis 1.0
metropolis 2.01 (*)
pandemonium 1.0
coldbringer 1.0
coldbringer 2.01 (*)
boost VIII 1.0
boost VIII 2.0 (*)
schubduese 1.0
schubduese 2.0 (*)
asmith.net 2.0 (*)
crystal bastard 2.0 (*)
zorg 2.0 (*)
wintermute 1.0
wintermute 2.0
* winamp 2.0x support
- shitty skin, removed
distibute this skin freely, but don't delete the
readme. manipulators and modifiers of this skin
will be eaten by myself personally :-0.
misery, 02.03.99
web: http://misery.asmith.com
mail: info-is@in-file
(c) m i s e r y i n m o t i o n ( 9 9 )
¤----------=[ Zaxon 5.5 ]=-----------¤
Skin made by Daniel Jansson
No ripping or other mean stuff
URL: http://www.velocity.u4l.com
E-Mail: info-is@i ...
ZX Spectrum Amp
(c) 2000 Neil Harvey
An Amp dedicated to the biggest selling home computer of the 80's the ZX Spectrum, or TS2068 for our American friends.The 48k Spectrum was the firs ...