Tainted Steel version 1Copyright The Elusive Melon 2002.This skin is freeware, distribute as you wish. If you want to put thisskin on a website, notify me and gi
Tainted Steel version 1
Copyright The Elusive Melon 2002.
This skin is freeware, distribute as you wish. If you want to put this
skin on a website, notify me and give me full credit to the skin.
Wildcore and Giotto for feedback.
Andrew Mackowski for his general help on Photoshop.
My friends Paul (The Ape Man) Mills, Pat Allan and Ffion Capellin.
Coming Soon: Cursors!
Finally, thanks to all of you for downloading this skin.
The Elusive Melon
Give me a buzz at info-is@in-file.
My other skins can be found at http:www.1001winampskins.com
Skin: The Wall
Creator: jjpotter
Many thanks to: *db* and the people in the skin love forum
The font I specified for this skin is a freeware font called Floydian, and it is included in this skin file
Installing the fo ...
~~~~ the begining of the end 1.0 ~~~~
this is the begining, the begining of the end...
This skin uses one of my favorite wallpapers as
the background - thefourthday. I used a skining tool
in the initial stages of design, to get the background
jus ...