- VSC Player v1.3 - 4/22/2000(Roland / Virtual SoundCanvas v3.2)My first skin. Little bug fixed.Hope you like it Enjoy!! :)ronz*info-is@in-filehttp://ronz.net
-by Colldawg (info-is@in-file)
-Do not distribute
-My first published skin.
-Everything from the main down to the mikro is skin.
-There's a simple AVS to go with it.
-Also there is also the font Bitsumishi that my skin needs. Install it ...
Viper GTS-R Concept 1.0
Released on December 13th 00
*Bandung Indonesia*
I made this skin after my friend (Craig N) give me Viper GTS-R Concept pic.
He told to me, he want to have his favourite car skin, and i try to realize that.
In this skin, i ...