## WINAMP SKIN ##Skin Name: Pluto's SonataRelease Version: v1.0Description: This is a Winamp skin dedicated to that pretty soldier, Sailor Pluto. It comes with
Skin Name: Pluto's Sonata
Release Version: v1.0
Description: This is a Winamp skin dedicated to that pretty soldier,
Sailor Pluto. It comes with fully skinned EQ, Playlist,
Playlist buttons, Minibrowser /w buttons, text, and buttons
that "light up" upon pressing them. All Windowshaded components
are also skinned. What better way to spend time on your computer
than with the guardian of time herself. :) Includes AVS.
Catagory: Anime
Author Name: Justin Pearce
Email: info-is@in-file
Home Page: http://www.crosswinds.net/~fox7
----PARADOX v.1.0----
Creator:Kamil Kozlowski alias Coyote
Finished: 16th September 2000
First of all thanks
for downloading my latest skin!
Not much to say about it.
Just hope you'll like it!
Skins made by me:
Tech_amp 1.0 (not available on ...