[FAP]CLAN Skin 1.2 by MainyehcVersion 1.12 April 2003 Updated 3 May 2003------------------------Index:- Introduction (and my e-mail, IRC nick and server, etc)
[FAP]CLAN Skin 1.2
by Mainyehc
Version 1.12 April 2003
Updated 3 May 2003
- Introduction (and my e-mail, IRC nick and server, etc)
- A note on bugs and skinning
- Version history
- Acknowledgements
Introduction - This is a skin dedicated to my Quake I Clan, Fode-te Aí Porco A.K.A. [FAP]CLAN. You may find it a bit too
simple, (which is understandable, as it's my very first winamp skin), but nevertheless, it is extremely functional and usable.
Its colours and design were inspired after our own website --> www.FAP.pt.vu (still under construction and in portuguese
only, for about 2 1/2 years now... Ohh shit, we totally forgot to finish it!! ehehehe... Nevertheless, go and check it, that
"under construction" sign is something just to damn preety to be an "under construction" sign... And that's how the skin is
supposed to look when it's "finished" - they're never EVER finished - , all glossy and such).
It has little or no eye-candy at all (except for some ligting effects) - version 1.2 has a lot - , but every button has its
possible animations, and all custom winamp cursors provide a sort-of tooltip, in a Mac/Linux-ish black pointer (if you wish
to use the whole set in Windows cursors too, to make a match between Winamp and your Windows theme, you can find regular and
animated cursors in the folder "goodies" inside the skin file - New Windows XP anti-aliased (with transparent shadows)
cursors included!).
Besides the custom cursors, this skin shows almost no text at all in the buttons (except in the playlist stack buttons), but
small icons instead, which are easier to understand by non-english-speaking users (later on, I'll replace "Mono" and "Stereo"
indicators with the proper icons). Also, some of the icons and every single piece of text, in the buttons in the songname,
etc, is not anti-aliased, as this skin is prepared to work nice in resolutions up to 1280x1024 (anti-aliased text wouldn't be
easily readable). In the future, better background, depht, shadow and lighting effects might be introduced, and other non-FAP
versions (without the clan name on it and with some alternative colors or button look) might be developed,it's just a matter
of time...
I hope you like it and find it as usable as I do...
Any questions, suggestions or bugs can be reported to info-is@in-file, or directly to me (Mainyehc) in the portuguese
IRC server irc.PTnet.org, (channel #[FAP], or if I'm not there, try talking in private with me or send me a memo)
It is possible that you may find some bugs in this skin (I've already found one, in the minimize button in winshade mode, but
I guess that one is preety impossible to solve without remaking the whole main window), but then again, this is my first
Winamp skin... And it's true, Winamp itself has a lot of skin bugs; If you wish to make a skin for yourself, I suggest you
take a look at some very good templates like Skinner's Atlas (the one which I used to do this skin) -
or Template Amp - http://www.winamp.com/skins/detail.jhtml?componentId=71571
These will lead you through the whole process, and those nasty Winamp native bugs are very well documented.
Version History:
What was new in...
Version 1.1
A small update for Winamp 2.91 compliance:
gen.bmp, genex.bmp and video.bmp are now included. Also, the avs.bmp was kept for Winamp 2.81 (and below) compatibility.
Apart from that, the only visible change made was in the last button of the Minibrowser: the arrow was turned upside down
(big deal... =P) I also thought of changing the lightning bolt to a button with an icon or "lib" written on it, but decided
not to, as even though it is used now to open the Library window, it still isn't an actual button but just a sensitive area.
Maybe I'll change that further on.
What is new in...
Version 1.12
Minor graphical improvements only: Ligting effects added in Winamp's main window (titlebar area, clutterbar area, and
scrollbar-volume-balance area). Because of such effects, the volume slide button will not blend in well with the background
when the volume is set to minimum... But who listens to music in mute anyway?? (maybe I'll think of something, but not now).
Further on, the buttons will also be improved. Version 1.12 is still under development, so the next updates will still bear
the 1.11 version number as well.
--- Version 1.12 removed from Winamp skin library (if desired, you may request it by contacting me) ---
--- Version 1.1 will be republished, bearing the name FAP CLAN Skin Classic ---
What's new in...
Version 1.2
At last, some eye-candy was introduced in this skin... After a few hours work the buttons now have a fancy and glossy look,
and the shaded borders give some depth to the windows. The only disadvantage in these improvements is that the buttons had to
be resized in order to respect Winamp skin's sensitive areas, thus being less original (i.e. the play/stop/etc. buttons and
the shuf/rep buttons have no longer the same height, the PLeditor stack buttons had to be cropped, etc etc...). Otherwise,
that 3-D look wouldn't work...
Besides, those ideias of replacing the ligtning bolt by a button and the mono/stereo indicator by some icons were abandoned.
Acknowledgements - I want to thank Jellby for his Skinner's Atlas 1.4, without which I'd have taken about ten times more to
finish this skin (or maybe I wouldn't have started doing it in the first place...), and the guys from Winamp Forums for their
help on this skinning business.
Futerayn V1.0 for WinAmp 2.x
First of all, thanks for downloading my skin :).
Please also give comments (if possible) about the skin on the site you
downloaded it from. That way Iknow what to improve and what not.
Send ...
This Skin was made by Kjell Ervik 1999.
You may distribuate it freely
Original name: Fairline Amp
It's a tribute to the American car
I thought it might fit right in under the Dashboard???
:) ...